Climate Change on Erosion

 Jessica Seaton

Global warming is said to produce more intense rainfall, it has increased in the 20th Century and could possibly increase in the 21st century. With rainfall, temperature and CO2 changing constantly it is really impacting our rate of soil of erosion. When there are larger levels of rainfall and runoff, soil is taken along with it. They are some time periods that it can rain for days

on end and this ruins the soil because it all gets washed away by the rise of water reaching the land. Even if the rainfall was to decrease it is said that the soil is still susceptible to erode due to decreased biomass production. The article mentioned that farmers are also a reason soil erosion is expected to increase, which does make sense. If farmers are not rotating crops, they could potentially ruin the soil.


  1. I agree with you were saying because yeah global warming is a bad thing obviously. But it could also be at stake because of the soil’s, which farmers usually build their crop land with any type of water but would haI agree with you were saying because yeah global warming is a bad thing obviously. But it could also be at stake because of the soil’s, which farmers usually build their crop land with any type of water but stuff with having to do with their crops.


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