Global food system.

                                     Food is a big problem. Kinda? -  Victoria Olivarez 

       The world is having a big food global problem, which can also be called “production, processing, and distribution of food throughout the world” which is said in this website that is linked. The organization called Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is having four dimensions. Which is Increased Biofuel Production which indicates being harmful to plants, animals, corn, and palm oil. Which has made it a lot harder for small farmers to do their thing and maintain control of their property. Also, limited food access is also an issue, many people suffer from chronic undernourishment and about 15% suffer from lack of food in their in home. Which you can also find in the reading. Meanwhile this has been a problem for awhile now and the farm policy that runs on sweets, fats, and meats which cut costs to hopefully gain some prices back.


  1. I really liked the way it is written because It's an easy and understandable text to read. The only thing I would say about this text, I think you should have developed a little bit more on the issues.

  2. Yes, sad that there is even substantial food insecurity in the US. Some of it "temporary" from the virus, but some still long term.


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