Oil in our oceans
Ahram Solis
The demand for oil is is high because everyone uses it for transport, so we need to get our oil from under the ocean floor to get more. There’s high risk from oil rigs built on the ocean because there’s a chance for oil spills and this isn’t easy to clean up. People have to act fast when a spill happens because it can reach to sensitive areas along a coastline that damages marine life. Dispersion, burning, skimming are the things that have to be done when oil spills happens and that contributes more to climate change. Oil is damaging to sea life because it creatures harsh elements for animals to swim in and can I said potentially kill them. For instance, Dolphins and whales can inhale oil, which can affect lungs, immune function, and reproduction. This can also affect us because oil kills sea life we eat or sea life can have small particles of oil too. The only way I see we can solve this environmental problem is to stop using oil and start to green energy transportation as soon as possible.
That danger during transport is also an argument against the Keystone pipeline (very political now).
I have heard a lot about oil spills on the news ever since I was young. I feel like this is a great topic to talk about