Water access

 Rasmus Svensson

There is nearly 785 million people on earth that lack access to safe water and around 2 billion people lack access to toilets.  The organization Water.org is helping those people to get access to safe water. It can affect many aspects in a life not having access to water. Women and girls spend 266 million hours every day finding a place to go to find water. Women are unfairly affected by the water access because, in most cases, they are the one who makes trips to collect as much water as they found, so by getting safe water nearby it can help them find some time for other important activity such as work, school and caring for family. Children stand in a similar position than the women, by helping them, they will get more opportunities to study and go to school.  Another issue would be water related diseases, more or less 1 million persons die each year because of water related diseases.  Especially now with COVID-19 there are families all around the world that need more help than before.




  1. Yes, some think water access should be considered a human right, but many corporations are pushing back against this. We might ask the many folks in Texas these days what they think.


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