Water level rising

 Teagan Lovin 

I read an article called “Climate Change: Global Sea Levels”. The article talks about how sea levels are rising due to icebergs melting. It has risen 8-9 inches since 1880. The amount it is rising keeps going up per year. Although 8-9 inches doesn’t seem like that much it can make a big difference. Islands people live on soon can not even exist. 40 percent of Americans live on a sea coast but soon those people will not have a home to live on due to water levels rising. Water levels rising also risk businesses that are near the coast. If they end up going under water we will not have those supplies that business gives us.  The article also takes about water level rising means more frequent high tide flooding and hurricanes. All of this put together adds to people losing their homes and there jobs and not only people living in the coast will be affected. Now is the time for change in the way we live



  1. Teagan,
    The water levels rising is already a problem for Florida! They are beginning to predict when Florida will be underwater. The increasing temperatures causing the ice to melt is going to continue to increase if global warming doesnt get stopped. This reminds me of the movie ice age meltdown. Although I dont think the entire world can fit on a giant boat... great read!

  2. Teagan,
    I encourage you to look into the flooding's of Florida. They are expected to be under water within the next 50 years. The icebergs melting are truly a very serious issue that us landlocked countries and states tend to take for granted because it doesn't affect us directly. But not even that, it's still happening even if we can't quite see it. I hope that one day our government will be able to take climate change more seriously, and that more and more people will begin to educate themselves on way's to make their lifestyles more eco-friendly.


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