water pollution
Our water pollution is getting to the worst it's ever been. While trying to figure out a solution for water polluting some people don't think that there's a solution for it but they're wrong and there is a solution to the pollution problem. Right now the cost to up keep our water from the pollution is costing us more than the machines we are spending our money on that is causing the pollution. The pollution from the waters is containing toxic chemicals causing illnesses from the waterways. Not only is it causing illnesses in humans but it's also poisoning the marine life in our oceans. Some of the main causes from water pollution is by industrial waste, sewage, oil leakage, and plastic waste. And again there are ways we can fix this huge problem that is happening in our bodies of water, yes it will take a long time just like it took a while for us to pollute the bodies of water but it can happen and one way we can do this is by educating others that are around us and in our economy of the problems of our wastes. By doing this it also allows for people to know that they need to stop using as much waste products that we are using and really look into seeing how we can get our bodies of water back to what they used to be. One other way by educating other people is by making laws more strict on pollution in the oceans and bodies of water. Our economy needs to work together and we need to make our planet better.
I completely agree with this blog. I think it will definitely take some time to work on creating a safer habitat for the sea life as well as humans in general. I think all of the power is in our hands at this point. I think educating people on this matter would be a great means of action since not a lot of people are aware that pollution can be caused by things more than just toxic waste. I also think creating stricter laws on pollution regarding bodies of water and oceans is also a really good idea. I really liked your last sentence calling to our economy saying that we need to make our planet better! really good blog in general, great job!