Land, Land, and Land

 Jessica Seaton

There are multiple ways we are changing land and it is impacting our local to global weather. With the changes in land coverage it is impacting the flow of energy, water and greenhouse gases between the land and our atmosphere.  It is said that forest provide cooler air than cropland, that is why reforestation is important but it also depends on the location of the trees to decide if it will actually help with climate adaptation. Fires are another factor of our land, farmers use control burn on their fields and some places get to dry that fires break out and it is harmful to our atmosphere by releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.  It also has small particles that are being sent to our atmosphere and reducing our solar energy reaching the Earth. With the amount of water going into crops for irrigation is also affecting the atmosphere by increasing atmospheric moisture. It is a hard to deal with what is good and bad for us. We need crops and agriculture to feed our population but with it increasing and changing our land it is also damaging at the same time.


  1. Jessica,
    I agree that our Land is constantly changing. Global warming is increasing more and more everyday. Even land is being contaminated to where it is too harmful for humans to be around. Even though there are things that we are trying to like use the contaminated land for renewable energy, a lot more needs to be done in order to save our planet. Great read!

  2. I enjoyed reading your blog! I agree with your statement that our land is changing. I think can be a result of many things that are happening within our enviornment. Which in return, affect our everyday weather patterns. I think things like reforestation, fire burning, and etc. can be looked at two ways. One way is that it is essential for our lifestyle especially with fires aiding the farms or reforestation adding to create new forest however, there are many negatives such as gasses being released in the air and the air quality going down due to the lack of trees. I agree with you, its a hard thing to decide whether its good or bad truly.


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