The Marine Mammal Protection Act

Nicole Price

The Marine Mammal Protection Act MMPA was signed into effect, law, in October of 1972 by then-President Richard Nixon. It was initially put in place due to rising fear of the complete depletion and extinction of marine wildlife due to human activity. This act took a more ecosystemic approach toward marine life management. They focused on the prevention of the rapid decline in marine life populations. Benefits of the MMPA include:

  • Prohibiting the hunting, capture, or harassment of the endangered wildlife
  • Enacts a ban on the export, import, and/or sale of marine mammal parts within the U.S.
  • Prohibits harassment such as getting too close, inuring, or even disturbing any behavioral patterns such as migration, breeding, sheltering, and feeding of marine life animals. 

Provision management of the MMPA falls to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as well as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the Department of the Interior.


  1. I’ve never heard of the MMPA act, but I’m glade it exist because it’s probably saving some species right not from being extinct. You did a great job by putting a list of the MMPA benefits and I found the ban on the export, import, or sale of marine mammal parts within the U.S important because this topic is usually overlooked when protecting wildlife. It’s good to know there’s acts like this to protect wildlife and there should be more act like this implemented around the world.

  2. Nicole,
    MMPA is a very important act that should be the start of a protective act movement. So many species are going extinct. Our grandchildren will never be able to experience some of the animals we have gotten to witness because they weren’t protected like they should’ve been. Hopefully soon something will happen to save our wildlife to the fullest. This was a great read!!

  3. This is the sadly the first time I have ever heard of The MMPA it does make me happy to see that the United States does have some sort of ACT to try and prevent the damage we are rapidly causing in our ocean's ecosystem and the decline in the amount of species we saw decreasing in the ocean We may still be killing whales for their oil to fight there wars if this wasnt a ACT


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