Water privatization
Rasmus Svensson,
There is approximately 71% water on the surface of planet earth, even though it seems a lot, only 1% of that is consumable water for the humans. That's why there is an ongoing debate over how to manage this essential resource in the best way possible for the human's life. Even though it seems selfish and bad for the environment, it has a positive effect because it offers an economic solution to the city. Most of the time, it big companies that privatize the water, the problem is that the population has less control and less to say about it. When the government decides to sell possession of the water industry to a big company or big investors, the public quickly loses all say in their water management, which causes injustices. These contract as usually short term, so whenever the environment is damage because of the water, there was none long term solution to it. That can be a loophole for the big company, when they exploited nature to make more money. For example, in Colombia, they were protesting because the tax of water bills increased by 35% after the water was privatized. It was a big issue for the people because there was a lot of poverty there. In the end, the contracts were withdrawn and water control returned to the public.
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