
Ahram Solis

Water isn’t just essential because we need it survive, but we also use it in industries every day to produce items like clothes or mechanical pencils just to name a few. Waterwaste is water that is filled with oil and grease, lint, sand, grit, heavy metals. Some companies are regulated, bot some are not and they release it into our river systems. For example, Chemical industries usually have trouble solving a solution to wastewater because it has so much pollution in the water and they release it to cut costs. Government and state regulations have to become stricter to not let the industries get away with waterwaste water. Filter presses technology should be required for this industries to minimize the environmental effects.


  1. It’s weird to think that if we don’t have water the whole world would crash. We use it for so much in our life’s and we are so dependent on it

  2. I would hate to one day see the potential visible effects it could have to our body. Not having clean water to consume will end the living world as we know it which is a bummer. It disgusts me that some companies can get away with not being regulated and the government doesn’t care. Over all good post.


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