Animals hanging on by a thread

 Gorillas, Rhinos, and Sea Turtles. All of these animals are needed in the animal kingdom and will be missed if they fail to come back. If we can not keep animals in the kingdom to begin with then other animals will be sure to follow.

Gorillas share 98.3% of our DNA and we only have roughly 150 to 180 adults left. We must note that they only reproduce three to four times in there lifetime which is considered low. 

Javan Rhinos in particular only have 46 to 66 left in all the world. All of these are in National parks or which is disgraceful at best. 

Sea Turtles has officially made it to the Red list. That means this animal and most of its types will either be saved now or it will be lost forever. For some ungodly reason the sea turtle is still hunted for its goods to be sold on the black market. Most of the turtle is valuable in some way shape or form but there is no excuse to run it to the point of extinction.


  1. It sounds like we have lots of animals that are endangered. This is probably due to things we are doing as humans and I feel like we need to make a motion to help change this so we don’t lose these animals

  2. The animals are endangered and I’m glad you were not with us because lotta people can actually talk about how many animals are just like safe or just type in danger. And see turtles are like my favorite animals and reptiles whatever you called it. And I say this is crazy how nobody pays attention to this and I’m glad that other countries such as Africa that like that or hunting down like rhinos and stuff like that and it was our days are hardly any because like I said there aren’t any just arriving now. Like this post by the way!


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