Oh no, not our land!

 Jessica Seaton,

Our land is constantly being polluted all over the world. Liquid and solid waste materials are being thrown on the land or buried below the surface contaminating the soil. The different types of pollutions are landfills, which I mentioned in one of my previous blogs, this is a big one because waste is being buried in the soil and all the chemicals are damaging it. Then, there is industrial activity such as coal productions, hazardous waste where liquid, solids or litter that is poisonous to the land.

 The last one is deforestation which is the removal of trees to use for different things for humans. There are all types and different  sources damaging our land that we could easily fix. This article had a lot of fun facts about land pollution, a few of the ones I found most interesting are:

“80% of dead birds have some form of plastic waste in their stomach”

“The planet loses 24 billion tonnes of topsoil each year because of land pollution”

“China produces 12 million tonnes of of grain a year that is contaminated by heavy metals which is worth $3.2 billion.”



  1. I loved reading your post it really makes you think about how you can make a change in your everyday life to help with these situations. I know some of these situations are bigger than us but if we changed a little It would help out more than we think. This makes me think back to what I just posted about biodegradable farming and its interesting to read that then see a different view point.

  2. Every time I read posts I feel so bad for our planet. Humans are destroying it by not even knowing because we do not think about things like this all the time. Wen you talked about the soil being contaminated it really had me shocked about myself because I never have thought about the bigger picture.

  3. Amazing picture! It works on several levels


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