What you can do to help?



What you can do to help?
Nicole Price
    I've noticed that I've spent a lot more time talking about conservation groups and what they do and why wildlife conservation is so important, and not a lot of time on how YOU can help. So I decided to take today's time to educate you all on ways that you can help preserve wildlife.
  1. Stand up for the wild and wildlife: Your voice matters!  
  2. Make your backyard wildlife-friendly: Turn your backyard into a safe place for butterflies and birds. All it takes is planting a few native plants or even just inserting a birdbath or feeder! 
    • Reduce light pollution
    • Look into container gardens for patios or balconies
    • Reduce the amount of lawn
  3. Protect the environment 
  4. Be an educated consumer: Know what you are consuming! That goes for food and other consumer products such as clothes and equipment. Support genuine efforts.                               There are so many ways for you guys to contribute to the welfare and conservation of wildlife and the ones I've named here are only the tip of the iceberg. We have to be the change we want to see and education is the best and first way to start initiating any sense of change. I encourage you all to look into ways that YOU can help preserve our wildlife.


  1. Nicole,
    I really like the idea of us being told about what we can do to help. It is important for your audience to be able to understand that there are bad things happening but here’s how this can be fixed. I think there is a lot of things outside of conservation groups that can benefit like you mention. Just today I cut up the plastic things that wrap around bottles to where no animal can get stuck in it. One of my favorite phrases is “its the small things that matters the most.” Great read!

  2. Ah, I saw 2 foxes last week. One running along, the other road kill...


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